Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Foundation Phase

What is the foundation phase

Its the statutory curriculum for 3 to 7 year old children in Wales. The ethos of the foundation phase is to be creative, imaginative, and enjoyable. The results of this type of learning is that its going to be more effective.

There are so many conflicting views, from parents, teachers, politicians, and researchers with regards to how we teach our young. So what is the appropriate way to teach?

According to (Boyce,1938) when children are free to explore, behave naturally, and talk freely about the world around them and their experiences, that these children are happier. They have gained a good understanding of general knowledge and the ability and confidence to ask questions. Opposed to the children that are in an environment where the teaching is organised by time-tables, rules and regulations, tests or exams, and very disciplined. These children are sometimes reported to be anxious and their behaviour forced. Should children be free to express themselves? Or is the more traditional method of teaching superior? 

Child research is growing, Now the heart of learning is play. 
The early years should provide a sound foundation for future learning. This vital part of their lives is a time when they should feel happy and confident. The emphasis is on children learning by doing, by having first hand experiences through active involvement and play. The variety of tasks and outdoor play, also has an important part in the foundation phase. Maths, English, and Science are given greater time than other subjects that make up the curriculum. However all are taught through play and problem solving.
How a teacher assesses the pupil is by observation, with no formal tests, until Key stage 2.

One of the first theorists to research early years education was Jean Piaget. We owe the research to the development of childrens understanding to him. He observed, listened and talked to the children whilst they were completing tasks he set. It emerged that children have an amazing capacity to understand their world as they grow providing they have reached the maturity to do so. This is known as cognitive constructivism. He gave stages to cognitive development by age, His theories were supported by Vygotsky and Bruner, although they placed emphasis on other people enabling learning.

The foundation phase was launched in Wales September 2008, so its still in early stages for us to see what kind of outcomes it may produce. However it has had some criticisms in the press.  Although when you look at other education systems in counties with similar set ups, There has been positive results. Evidence suggests that where ever a child is from, if the concepts of foundation phase are applied, the child appears to be happy, thrive, and have confidence to progress on to next stage of learning.
Although Traditional methods of teaching will remain in the education of our children in their later years.


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